1. Someone who puts their pants on one leg at a time just like you.
• suggests repetition with workweek standard-issue slacks.
2. A person who long found their pants don't fit right.
"Schuyler Kruizenga's style is cramped by gray, neat, and uniform."
3. Creator of custom legwear.
•emphasis on versatility to get both serious and fun.
I used to put my pants on one leg at a time, and still do.
They just used to be slacks. The workweek standard issue that never fit right.
They cramped my style.
So I fashioned my own jeans. And I'm having a great time.
How do I look?
I used to put my pants on one leg at a time, and still do.
They just used to be slacks.
The workweek standard issue that never fit right.
They cramped my style.
So I fashioned my own jeans. And I'm having a great time.
How do I look?
I used to put my pants on one leg at a time, and still do. They just used to be slacks. Countless pairs of the workweek standard issue that never fit right. Always gray, neat, uniform, and cramping my style.
I needed something more versatile.
Fresh but seasoned; with room to get both serious and fun. So I fashioned my own.
And I'm having a great time.
How do I look?
I put my pants on one leg at a time. Just like you. For a long time they were slacks. The workweek standard issue.
But they never fit right. Gray, neat, and uniform; they cramped my style
I needed something more versatile. Bold but seasoned; with room to get both serious and fun.
So I am fashioning my own. And having a great time.
How do I look?
I put my pants on one leg at a time. Just like you.
For a long time they were slacks. The workweek standard issue.
But they never fit right. Gray, neat, and uniform; they cramped my style.
I needed something more versatile.
Bold but seasoned; with room to get both serious and fun.
So I am fashioning my own.
And having a great time.
How do I look?
Made while working as a timesheet filler.
And yours can be too.
Had a blast turning this classic brand on its head to solve one of life's biggests problems.
And yet, I sometimes forget to love myself.
I loved using these two brands to help the highly-social make time for themselves.
It's true for people and business.
Nothing could be more cool for this brand than to poke fun at the idea of cool itself.
Sharp. Colorful. Cohesive.
"Just get moving."
"Make it clear and nice."
"Poking holes makes you stronger."
Art Director
"It's showtime, baby."
"Just happy to be here."